Beginner Cigar Box Guitar
G D G tuning
E B E tuning
4- string G D G B tuning
Building and Maintaining A Cigar Box Guitar
Slide Guitar
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Let's start by learning what a few terms mean. If you already understand scales, keys, octaves feel free to jump over the first part, but I wanted to include this for those who want it explained in...
A chord melody is a piece of music where the melody and chords are played simultaneously by one instrument, making it sound as if two instruments are actually playing. On a guitar the notes may be...
The Boss RC-500 is a 2- track looper pedal with built in drum machine that offers many benefits for using in live shows. The trouble is that it's sophistication makes for a very steep learning curve...
In this lesson I will give you some very simple ideas to add a little bit of fretting finger movement to improve the sound of your 12-bar blues: add a finger on the middle string on the 2nd...
Strings For Cigar Box Guitar : Hints and Tips For Absolute Beginner Builders
You will need to choose some strings for your build and you have a few choices to make; the material that the strings are made fromstrings from a 6- string guitar, 12 -string guitar or specialist...
Cigar Box Guitar Playing For Guitar Builders: Hints and Tips For Absolute Beginners
I know there are a fair number of Cigar Box Guitar builders who don't want to spend ages learning to play their builds, but just want a few tunes to illustrate how good their builds sound. If you...