Beginner Cigar Box Guitar
G D G tuning
E B E tuning
4- string G D G B tuning
Building and Maintaining A Cigar Box Guitar
Slide Guitar
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Although many people tune their 3-string Cigar Box Guitar to G D G, there are many other tunings available and a fairly popular tuning is D A D. Lots of people like to sing in the key of D and this...
Today's lesson teaches you to play in a new key and a new time signature. How Many Beats Is A 6/8 Time? Many songs are written in 2/4 or 4/4 meaning 2 or 4 beats per bar ( or measure). The time...
Playing 4-String vs 3-String Cigar Box Guitar : Play Shaped Chords In G
Although1-finger barre chords are slightly harder to play on a 4-string guitar because of the extra string to fret, shaped chords are different. I've been experimenting with easy ways to play the...
If you are really new to Cigar Box Guitar, you will want to learn these 3 chords as soon as possible because with these chords you can play literally thousands of songs. They are G, C and D power...
Transferring knowledge from a 3-string guitar to a 4-string means deciding what tuning you'd like with that extra string. Of course, you can retune all the strings, but for now we-re going to look at...
I wrote this piece in E minor as an easy to play beginner blues. The notes of the melody are not difficult as they are the notes from the E minor pentatonic scale with an added blues note which is A...