If you prefer your guitar to be tuned to E B E and want a handy pdf download for playing any chord based on the 1-finger power chords, I have this handy chart and diagram which you can download for free:
It includes power, Major, minor, 7, minor 7 and Major 7 chords

These chord shapes will not necessarily be the easiest to play since some of them end up quite high on the fretboard. It is up to you whether you want to learn lots of different shapes or a few basic movable shapes.
To work out how to play the chord:
- find the fret you need
- find the shape you need
So, if you want to work out how to play C# minor which is the minor that goes with E major ( we say that C# minor is the relative minor of E Major) :
- find the fret you need ( 9th fret)
- find the shape you need ( 3rd shape)
This gives you a shape up on the ninth fret. There are alternative shapes that are much easier to play but not necessarily easier to remember:

I am working on a YouTube video lesson which will be coming soon.
I am also working on related chord charts to play in a certain key and will link to them here as I complete them. These will be based on easy to play shapes and fret positions rather than these movable chords which can end up a bit tricky to play.