Choosing An Electric Cigar Box Guitar: What To Look For
This article is specific to electric guitars but I have also written an article on choosing a Cigar Box Guitar which has good general advice which you can read here:
If at all possible, before you buy the guitar, ask to play it. You need to check that it feels comfortable in your hands. You will probably be a bit embarrassed to play in front of someone else, but at least strum the open notes and try to fret a couple of notes. You can also ask for a demonstration so that you can really hear what it sounds like.
It’s a good idea to listen to the sound of the guitar plugged into an amp and just acoustically to make sure you like the sound of both.
These are the questions you might want to ask when you are looking to buy an electric Cigar Box Guitar:
- What type of pick-up (or pick-ups if there is more than one) is installed ?
- What controls are installed ?
Pickup Types
A pickup is the part of the electric guitar that converts the audio from your guitar into an electric signal that can be passed down the guitar cable to the amplifier.
Your electric guitar will have an output jack but you may not see a pickup. If there is no output jack it is definitely not an electric guitar, but you can add a pick-up and jack to a guitar. A piezo pick-up is probably the easiest pick-up to add yourself as you can buy these pre-wired from a guitar shop. Some of them can even be surface mounted if you don’t feel up to drilling a hole for the output jack.
The output jack is where you plug in the guitar cable that links the guitar to the amp. This is what the output jack looks like:

Some Cigar Box Guitars are fitted with piezo pickups which work by amplifying the vibrations of the box lid. You won’t be able to see this pickup because it is hidden inside the box.
A magnetic pickup is more visible. You will see it :
- as a metal box showing under the strings,
- as separate magnets under the strings or
- as a small wooden box sitting under the strings. The latter are made specifically for cigar box guitars to blend in with the cigar box so they are not too visible.
A magnetic pickup is a more expensive option so expect to pay a little more if you are buying an electric guitar with electric pickup. They are also a little harder to install.
Pickup Controls
The guitar may have controls. If there is just one control knob that’s likely to be a volume control which can be handy if you want to change the volume without reaching down for control knobs on the amp.
Some guitars have more than one pickup and these will usually have a lever so that you can choose whether to use the pickup nearer the neck, nearer the bridge or a mixture of both. Remember that you might only see one pickup from the outside if a piezo pickup is fitted under the bridge. Either way, there will only be one output jack.
Some guitars have a graphic equaliser installed onto the body so that you can control the different frequency ranges ie. bass, middle and top. These usually require a battery.
Different pick-up positions and different pick-up types can give quite different sounds and having 2 pick-ups gives more control over that sound.
If you are interested in reading more about pick-ups, try this article:
Accessories You Will Need For Your Electric Cigar Box Guitar
In addition to your guitar being fitted with an electric pickup, there are a couple of accessories you will need to buy. There are also some ” nice to have” accessories:
accessory | need or want? |
amplifier | necessary |
cable | necessary |
guitar picks | nice to have |
guitar slide | nice to have |
guitar strap | nice to have |
- an amplifier – see below for some advice on choosing an amp *
- a cable to attach the guitar to the amp- see below for advice on choosing one
- Many guitarists would add guitar picks to this list and whilst you can play without one, it’s worth buying a couple of medium picks to get you started. You can read this guide if you want some more advice on this:
- Another accessory that you might want to get is a guitar slide. I have a detailed guide for beginners here: and there are other articles on the main menu under types of music: slide
- A guitar strap is a useful addition and you won’t be able to play standing up without one. A strap will help you to hold the neck in a comfortable position even when you’re sitting down. This is not a specialist cigar box guitar accessory- any guitar strap will do as long as it fits you. Some people even like to use a piece of cord. You might need to use short lengths of strings when fitting a guitar strap if there are no strap buttons installed. Alternatively you could install your own button straps. If you are in the USA you can get a set from with this link
*If you don’t want to go to the expense of buying an amp and cable, there is another option. You can buy a very small unit that plugs directly into the input jack and uses headphones so that you can hear the effects applied. Something like this one available here on
Where To Buy Electric Cigar Box Guitar Accessories
You usually don’t need to buy cigar box guitar specific accessories- just go to your local guitar shop or order online. But do try to buy a shorter guitar slide if you can as you will find that a lot easier to handle. My local music shop had shorter ones, but they do sell cigar box guitars too, so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to buy a shorter slide in a regular guitar shop.
Which Is Better: New Or Second Hand Amp?
An amp is a considered purchase and some people prefer to buy second hand. Just make sure it’s in good working order. Things to look out for are:
Do the control knobs change the settings easily and smoothly? Older amps sometimes get dust in the connections and whilst they can be cleaned on an amp you’ve had for a while yourself, they are maybe not the best buy for a beginner. You will hear this as crackles when you turn the knobs as the dust makes for a poor connection.
Does the guitar input jack allow you to put the cable from the guitar in securely without it moving? Older jacks can wear and may need replacing- maybe not a job for a reluctant beginner, but a guitar shop should be able to help.
Can you still read the control knob settings easily? These can wear away and you want to make sure that you know what you are controlling with each control knob.
If you are unsure about buying second hand, think about buying a smaller battery powered amp as these are generally not too expensive. I have a Roland Microcube link here on which I bought when my old Peavey amp starting being really crackly.
Many amps have a headphone port which is really useful so that you can hear the effects of the amp without annoying those around you too much.
Some amps have a built in drum machine which you might find useful like this Vox Amp on Amazon
This article has more advice:
Beginner Tips For Using An Amp With Your Electric Cigar Box Guitar
It’s difficult to get your head around what all the different settings on an amp do to the sound, so you’ll need to experiment. When you’ve found a setting you like, it’s handy to take a quick photo with your phone so you don’t forget.
If there is no volume control on your amp, look for a gain control as this also acts as a volume control on some amps.
Guitarists talk about clean settings– this means playing without too much distortion. The amp is amplifying the acoustic sound of the instrument, that is making it louder. But amps aren’t just about making the sound louder, they alter the sound digitally.
You will find that playing with an amp certainly gives you a much broader range of sounds and can even make a cheap cigar box guitar sound better if by better you mean lots of distortion or reverb or both.
Using the controls on the amp gives you access to a whole load of different sounds from the same instrument.
There is a lot more detail on this in the following article:
Choosing A Guitar Cable For Your Cigar Box Guitar
Guitar cables vary greatly in price and as a beginner it’s hard to know how much to spend. I would say don’t buy the absolute cheapest, but don’t spend a fortune either. I like the cloth covered cables such as this one from Amazon as they seem to me to be nice and flexible. The other consideration is how long your cable should be. 10 foot or a metre seems to be a good length if you are playing at home. Too long a cable that ends up really coiled on the floor is just a waste of cable and might cause interference impacting the sound quality.
Starting To Play Electric Cigar Box Guitar
Now you have sorted out the gear you need, it’s time to get playing. Experiment with different effects on your favourite songs. You’ll be amazed at how good you can sound with an electric Cigar Box Guitar and an amp and a few 1-finger power chords. Read these articles if you need some help to get started:
My YouTube channel has lessons such as this one: