Easy Chord Charts For “Let It Be” On The Cigar Box Guitar

This is the first of my Easy Chord Chart Series for G D G cigar box guitars. I offer 2 versions of this song. One is suitable for absolute beginners and one is a little bit more advanced.

Absolute Beginner Version Of “Let It Be” Using 1-finger Power Chords

All you need to know for this version is how to play power chords on your cigar box guitar. If you need some tips read:

Power Chords On A 3 String Guitar

How To Play A Cigar Box Guitar With 1 Finger

Download the pdf here:

You will need to be able to strum for this song. As an absolute beginner you can find useful tips here:

Cigar Box Guitar Strumming: 10 Tips For Complete Beginners

As a beginner you may find barre chords very difficult, even though it is just across 3 strings rather than the 6 it would be for a 6 string guitar. Sometimes i like to use my 1st, 2nd and 3rd or even my 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers in a line rather than use a barre shape:

Learner Version Of “Let It Be”

For this more advanced version, we will use major and minor chord shapes in addition to the C and F power chords. You will notice that I have included the alternate power chord for F where the root note is on the middle string. I find this a particularly useful shape to avoid zooming up and down the neck ( the 1-finger barre for F is on the 10th fret)

Download the pdf here:

Comparing Versions

You can compare the different chord shapes used and see how even as an absolute beginner you can play a simple version of the song using just power chords.

Moving on from power chords enables you to add a bit of color to your music but don’t feel that power chords are just for beginners. They are really useful chords. I find them especially useful when I have some tricky chord transitions and I just need a bit of a break playing a slightly easier chord shape.

I encourage you to practice playing both versions and even mix them up to get a slightly different sound throughout the song.

Taking It Further: Using The Chord Shapes

There are thousands of other songs you can play using just these chords. Try seeing if you can play any other songs using just these chords or even write your own!

Further Reading: More Songs To Check Out

I am slowly building up a series of song chord charts and will add links to them as they appear on the website. I also plan to start adding play along videos on my YouTube channel beginnercbg

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