Beginner Cigar Box Guitar
G D G tuning
E B E tuning
4- string G D G B tuning
Building and Maintaining A Cigar Box Guitar
Slide Guitar
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Movable Power Chord Shapes For G D G Tuning On Cigar Box Guitars
There are many movable chord shapes on the cigar box guitar. These are chord shapes that can be played in different positions on the fret board to give different pitched chords. Power chords...
It's very useful to have some movable chord shapes in your head as you begin to play songs or write your own. The downloadable PDFs below are useful for beginners trying to move on from 1-finger...
Absolute Beginner Chord Shape Downloads For 3 String Cigar Box Guitar Tuned G D G
G-C-D-on-3-string-G-D-GDownload D G A on 3 string G D GDownload
This is the first of my Easy Chord Chart Series for G D G cigar box guitars. I offer 2 versions of this song. One is suitable for absolute beginners and one is a little bit more...
This article shows how you can use your knowledge of power chords on the cigar box guitar to play major, minor, 7th, minor 7th and major 7th chords with one or two fingers moved. In the table and...
Relative Minor Chords On Cigar Box Guitar: The VI or 6 Chord
We already know that the I, IV and V chords go together, but which minor chords do we need to add to the mix? The relative minor chord is the minor chord based on the 6th note of the Major scale....